
Cosmetic dentistry creates radiant smiles in Lilburn, GA

The next time you are at a family gathering, business meeting, or shopping mall, notice the smiles around you. Most look friendly and inviting, but some really stand out. Many of those exceptional smiles had a little help from cosmetic dental treatments. This is an area of dentistry that Dr. Kay Kalantari enjoys immensely because she sees the positive impact it has on the lives of her patients in the Lilburn, GA area.

Is it restorative or cosmetic dentistry ?

Lilburn, GA patients often ask that question. Many times, there is not a firm distinction. Generally, a restorative procedure repairs dental damage, while cosmetic treatment is for smile enhancement. Yet, an ethical dentist gives great consideration to the aesthetics of virtually any restorative treatment, and some cosmetic services are beneficial to oral health.


Tailored smile treatment

Here are some of the techniques Dr. Kalantari uses, alone or in combination for a full smile makeover, to create beautiful results: